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Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)


ZTP feature

Since firmware KerOS FW 4.3.3, we have integrated the Zero Touch provisioning (ZTP) feature.

When you receive the gateway, you don’t need anymore to install software or to configure it, it is plug&play: you connect the gateway to the network with an Ethernet connection and the gateway will be automatically self-provisioned and configured for your needs.

Supported configuration includes:

  • Connection to Kerlink Wanesy Management Center (WMC).
  • Packet forwarder: CPF & Basic Station Packet Forwarder.
  • 4G backhaul configuration.
  • Chirpstack, TTN or Loriot configuration.

ZTP feature is available when the gateway boots for the first time with an available internet connection.

The gateways already deployed or upgraded with KerOS FW 4.3.3 are not concerned by ZTP feature, only the gateways natively produced with KerOS FW 4.3.3 (and later versions) are concerned.

The gateway must remain powered up and connected to Internet with Ethernet during the entire ZTP process.

To enable ZTP on a gateway, it must be pre-declared on Kerlink ZTP Management server. Please contact Kerlink for more information at

wiki/systeme_mana/ztp.1680093592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/29 14:39 by ehe