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Major version upgrade with a custom liveburner


Major versions of KerOS introduce some important modifications (new kernel, hotfixing) requiring an upgrade with a liveburner when coming from the previous KerOS version. A liveburner package will by default flash the eMMC content and install only the KerOS package. So any packages, data, and configurations will be lost using such upgrade packages. This upgrade will be problematic for products already on the field that need to keep a device management link up and running before and after the upgrade.

This page provides:

  • A custom liveburner to upgrade the firmware from version 4.3.3 to version 5.5.4 preserving network, LoRa, and WMC configuration.
  • A tool to customize a liveburner to add some additional packages during the upgrade.

Please note that an upgrade is always risky and must be tested and validated before being deployed on the products on the field. We also recommend upgrading products in small batches and not all the products in a row.

Default custom liveburner for version 5.5.4

A custom liveburner has been generated to save usual configuration files:

  • Network configuration
  • LoRa configuration (CPF configuration)
  • BSCC configuration (for Wanesy Management Center customers)
  • Secrets and OpenVPN configuration (for Wanesy Management Center customers)

To upgrade your gateway from version 4.3.3 to version 5.5.4 with this configuration files preservation, use the custom liveburner file custom-liveburner_5.5.4_klkgw-signed.ipk available in the 5.5.4 release page. To upgrade your system, follow the software update process here.

This custom liveburner can be used to upgrade a gateway without WMC connection. In this case, OpenVPN and BSCC configurations are ignored. Network and LoRa configuration will be saved.

The gateway must be connected to internet.

This custom liveburner can be used only to upgrade a gateway with firmware version 4.3.3. If your gateway has a firmware version < 4.3.3, it is mandatory to upgrade your firmware to version 4.3.3 before to upgrade it to firmware version 5.x.

For gateways connected to the WMC (Wanesy Management Center): To reinstall the OpenVPN secrets after the 5.5.4 upgrade, the custom liveburner needs an internet connection to request the OpenVPN certificates to the Kerlink server.

Build your own 5.5.4 custom liveburner (experienced user)

click here

wiki/upgrade_keros5/keros_custo/upgrade_major_version.1661238856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/23 09:14 by gat